One of my significant projects involved elevating the branding of the tech B2B start-up 'Conversocial' with distinctive, industry-relevant illustration assets. By applying UX methods, I developed an illustrative style that portrayed the user-bot narrative.

The goal was to craft a simple style that could be used in print and digital marketing and product material whilst setting Conversocial apart from their competitors whilst maintaining an enterprise-level aura. This vision was realized through uncomplicated character designs that used the company's signature red swatch along with product use story telling.

Conversocial Home Page 2020

The characters were divided into three groups: Customer, Agent, and Bot, each serving specific roles in the narratives where needed.

The Customer characters represented Conversocial's users customers, often depicted as individuals seeking assistance through a mobile phone. These interactions were facilitated by either the Bot or Agent characters, who could be seen engaging with the Customer characters in the same illustration or integrated into product screenshots.

If you wish to learn more about my UX research for this project please click the button below.

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